At the end of Key Stage 3 pupils enter a transition phase between school and adult services and the aim of the 14 – 19 phase of the school is to prepare young people for their adult life; to plan appropriate learning journeys which will enable them to maximise their potential and lead useful, happy and productive lives as adults.
Obviously these journeys will be very different depending on the skills, knowledge and attitudes of individual pupils and the extent to which they are supported to make their choices.
For those with more advanced academic abilities a wide range of accredited courses are available and for those who continue to need a basic skills curriculum or a more sensory approach to learning this is also offered.
Support and information for young people and their families is available from our Connexions PA (see our Careers page for more information).
During this transition, plans are constantly monitored and reviewed to ensure the actions are being followed up and that other services are advised of their likely requirements.
A huge emphasis is placed, where appropriate, on developing independence whether this be travel, cookery, using a phone or mobile device or simply asking a safe person for assistance in the community. Work experience opportunities exist for those who need this and all the key communication and sensory support services remain in place for those who continue to require that level of support.