Ganton School
Primary Staff Team


Senior Leadership

Alec Young Headteacher
Helen Robinson Deputy Headteacher 
Jordan Pullen Assistant Headteacher – KS 1/2
Tom Radge Assistant Headteacher – KS 3/4
Zoe Netherton School Business Manager



Primary Staff Team

Fiona Taylor Class Teacher – Sensory team
Jane Motherby TSLA Grade 6
Jenny Easson Teaching Assistant
Bryony Wallis Teaching Assistant



Primary Staff Team

Megan Storey Class Teacher – Sensory team
Gemma Howe TSLA Grade 6
Claire Welburn Teaching Assistant
Amie Newton Teaching Assistant
Helen Harrison (3 days) Teaching Assistant
Chloe Tock (2 Days) Teaching Assistant



Primary Staff Team

Gemma Mulligan Class Teacher – Sensory team
Vacant TSLA Grade 6
Caroline Clark Teaching Assistant
Jodie Litten Teaching Assistant
Vacant Teaching Assistant



Primary Staff Team

Nicky Coulman Class Teacher – Computing Lead
Wayne Hepple TSLA Grade 6
Sue Duck Level 4
Emma Healey Teaching Assistant
Megan Frogett Teaching Assistant



Primary Staff Team

Diane Martin Class Teacher
Amy Laverack TSLA Grade 6
Katarzyna Strzebala Teaching Assistant
Jess Waudby Teaching Assistant



Primary Staff Team

Annette Burn Class Teacher – PHSCE lead
Vicky Much TSLA Grade 6
Laura Brown TSLA Grade 6
Jack Gilbey Teaching Assistant
Angie Dunn Teaching Assistant



Primary Staff Team

Dan Laney Class Teacher – Maths Lead
Karen Caroll TSLA Grade 6
Nat Petty Teaching Assistant
Elisha Freeman Teaching Assistant
Jayne Illingworth Teaching Assistant


Community Teams

Sarah Grindley Outreach Lead
Kerry Nuttall Outreach Practitioner
Katrina McLane Child Protection Coordinator
Debbie Simms EVC & Extended Schools support
Laura Evans Communication Lead
Amanda Lee Pool Instructor
Leanne Cartlich Pool Instructor


Admin & Site


Jayne Smith Assistant School Business Manager
Victor Hone Site Facilities Manager
Billy Kinnersley Site Facilities Officer
Danielle Abbott Admin Officer/ Human Resources
Sally Deyes Admin Officer
Becky Pipes Admin Officer
Janet Busby EHCP Coordinator

‘Pupils take part in local and
regional accessible sporting activities.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils rise to the challenges that you set, and their learning is rarely disrupted.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Staff use signing, symbols, photographs and objects of reference to communicate effectively with those pupils who need additional support to ensure that they are fully engaged in their learning.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Leaders have introduced a new approach to assessment. This enables leaders to check pupils’ progress from their starting points more effectively.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Leaders use the pupil premium funding effectively.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Based on the evidence gathered during this short inspection, I am of the opinion that the school continues to go from strength to strength.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils spoke
enthusiastically about learning outside of school and their visits to local museums, the Humber Bridge, local cafes and to the cinema.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils take part in a strong work experience and work-related learning programme.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Leaders have continued to develop the school’s curriculum since the last inspection.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupil Premium is targeted to improving pupils’ communication skills through investment in specialist equipment and software.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils say that they enjoy their lessons and take great pride in their work.’…

OFSTED comments

‘There is a strong emphasis on personalisation of the curriculum, the development of pupils’ communication skills, independence skills and preparation for life after school.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Leaders have carried out a detailed review of the curriculum pathways for pupils.’…

OFSTED comments

‘The school council is
especially active and members are particularly proud of the role they played in improving school meals..’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils respect each other, display good manners and work together successfully.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, are making strong progress from their varied starting points in reading, writing and mathematics.’…

OFSTED comments

‘The curriculum offers a wealth of enrichment activities which are highly valued by
pupils and parents and carers.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils run the school shop and staff cafeteria, enabling them to use their literacy and numeracy skills in a practical setting.’…

OFSTED comments