School lunches

Humber Education Trust are delighted to outsource our catering contract to North Yorkshire Education Services.

NYES catering service has been operational for over 40 years and operates in more than 240 education sites in and around Yorkshire. They are knowledgeable, continuously evolving and changing in-line with the up-to-date trends and requirements – whilst always committing to great quality and nutritionally balanced food.

Their brilliant three-weekly menu focus’ on a hot meal or grab and go option, dependent on the school and age, and is served with a selection of healthy side dishes, bread and a well-stocked salad bar where requested. Click here to view our school menu.

Further details about our school meal offer, the local and fresh produce used and details of our promotional days can all be found on our Trust site: Our Catering Facilities | Humber Education Trust

Free school meals

Many of our families could get Free School Meals but do not claim for them; your child may be entitled to Free School Meals if you as the parent are in receipt of any of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance (income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (but NOT Working Tax Credit)

Why claim?

  • Save hundreds of pounds per year
  • Extra funding for the school in the form of Pupil Premium
  • It’s your entitlement
  • No downside
  • Other pupils and parents will not know you are claiming

School Meal Charges


Unless a pupil/student is entitled to free school meals, they will be charged for their meal, as follows:

Pupils in Reception to Year 2 (Key Stage 1) qualify for Universal Free School Meals and are not charged for their meals.

£1.50 for pupils in Year 3 to Year 6 (Key Stage 2)

£2.00 for pupils in Year 7 to Year 14 (Key Stage 3 to 5)

‘Pupils spoke
enthusiastically about learning outside of school and their visits to local museums, the Humber Bridge, local cafes and to the cinema.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils respect each other, display good manners and work together successfully.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Leaders have continued to develop the school’s curriculum since the last inspection.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, are making strong progress from their varied starting points in reading, writing and mathematics.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils take part in local and
regional accessible sporting activities.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils run the school shop and staff cafeteria, enabling them to use their literacy and numeracy skills in a practical setting.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Leaders use the pupil premium funding effectively.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Based on the evidence gathered during this short inspection, I am of the opinion that the school continues to go from strength to strength.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Leaders have carried out a detailed review of the curriculum pathways for pupils.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils take part in a strong work experience and work-related learning programme.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Leaders have introduced a new approach to assessment. This enables leaders to check pupils’ progress from their starting points more effectively.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupil Premium is targeted to improving pupils’ communication skills through investment in specialist equipment and software.’…

OFSTED comments

‘The curriculum offers a wealth of enrichment activities which are highly valued by
pupils and parents and carers.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Staff use signing, symbols, photographs and objects of reference to communicate effectively with those pupils who need additional support to ensure that they are fully engaged in their learning.’…

OFSTED comments

‘There is a strong emphasis on personalisation of the curriculum, the development of pupils’ communication skills, independence skills and preparation for life after school.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils say that they enjoy their lessons and take great pride in their work.’…

OFSTED comments

‘The school council is
especially active and members are particularly proud of the role they played in improving school meals..’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils rise to the challenges that you set, and their learning is rarely disrupted.’…

OFSTED comments