At Ganton we pride ourselves on supporting pupils to maintain the best possible health. We appreciate that the journey pupils and families take prior to arriving at Ganton can be challenging and can sometime leave them tired.
Often pupils will have been encouraged to ‘fit in’ for a number of years, however, in order to do so may have required additional support that indirectly highlighted their differences from other pupils.
We want all of those who attend Ganton (including the families and the staff) to feel like part of one community. A community where differences are embraced and celebrated under the knowledge that each and every person within it deserves the best possible care.
It is our intent to focus on building self-esteem and offering all pupils an opportunity to learn how to make choices for themselves. We want pupils to know how to communicate when they are not well or need more help and most importantly we want them to see that they are supported when they do.
In order to deliver this we have committed to a model that is rich in CPD for staff to ensure support is always appropriate and meets the needs of our diverse community. We aim to give all the opportunity to interact with a curriculum model that offers support at three levels, we call them our wellbeing waves: