At Ganton School we believe in a mindful approach to PSHE Education – teaching pupils to be aware of their thoughts and feelings, at an appropriate level, in relation to the curricular content and in their daily lives. The PSHE curriculum integrates personal, social, health and economic learning with an emphasis on emotional well-being, spiritual and moral development and an understanding of British Values. PSHE Education at Ganton School aims to help children to know and value themselves and relate positively to others in an ever-changing world; it promotes physical well-being, growing independence and an understanding of rights and responsibilities.
PSHE Education is a planned programme of school and community based learning opportunities and experiences that deal with real life issues children and young people deal with as they grow up. It embraces disability; both coping with this and promoting positive views of different lives. Although PSHE Education is not statutory we believe that it can have a real impact on the physical and psychosocial well-being of pupils and create a virtuous circle whereby pupils with better health and well-being can achieve more and be more successful in life regardless of their barriers. For those children with more complex health or emotional needs the school will draw on multiagency support as appropriate.
Essentially there are two strands:
PERSONAL WELL-BEING incorporating:
- Sex and relationships education
- Drug and alcohol education
- Emotional health and well-being
- Diet and healthy lifestyles
- Safety education
ECONOMIC WELL-BEING incorporating:
- Careers education, information, advice and guidance
- Work-related learning
- Enterprise education
- Financial capability